My UV Patch by La Roche-Posay

284_mainHi friends, I would like to share an amazing new device with you called UV Patch’ developed by La Roche-Posay to aid in the prevention of skin cancer. Having personally lost close family members to skin cancers deadliest form, melanoma, & with melanoma projected to be the 4th most common cancer in Australia this year, it is an understatement to say this device is incredibly important to me & one that is close to my heart.

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#MyUVPatch is the first flexible, ultra-thin & connectable UV sensor designed to measure sun exposure in conjunction with the My UV Patch app. So what that means is you simply stick the blue love-heart shaped My UV Patch to the back of your hand, slap on your sunscreen as usual & go about your daily activities as the device measures your UV exposure in real time via the My UV Patch app on your smartphone. My UV Patch tells you all about your daily sun exposure & offers tips on how to protect your skin & stay safe.

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I believe My UV Patch is an innovative & incredibly necessary device for current & future generations, particularly as skin cancer continues to devastate & ravage so many of us in this beautiful country of ours. I feel very lucky to have been chosen to test out this device & cannot wait to share what I discover about my own personal sun exposure, as a photographer & as a generally outdoorsy woman who comes from a family who suffer from skin cancers.


I am genuinely excited by the hope & promise this device holds, for our generation & future generations, particularly as a woman who is nearing the time in her life to have children.


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